Roggwil, 01 September 2024: Armin Schmelcher is our new Head of Sales and Marketing at Hönger. He is responsible for the further development and realisation of the sales strategy as well as the…
Our apprentice has successfully completed her apprenticeship as a commercial assistant EFZ in the E-profile and we are proud of her. She is the first commercial apprentice we have trained. Her…
We are pleased to introduce our new logo and website. Our new design reflects our innovative and modern approach and we hope you are as excited as we are.
Flex Check® high performance check valves are now also available in 1.4404 stainless steel. For medical equipment, metrology and applications in highly corrosive environment.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Technical University in Aachen, Germany developed an new Modul for the ISS with a 2-phase coolings system ...
The Flex Check® Zero Leak has an additional plastic sealing element and is therefore completely leak-free even at low pressures. It is ideally suited for applications with gases to prevent pressure…